Friday, November 7, 2008

looking for a all around body...

I noticed something interesting in the gym...there are 2 kind of workaholics at the gym, One that come to the gym and go straight to the machines or weights and start working out like they live there and other kind are those who come to the gym chit chat..warm up...stretch..and then attack the workout.

There is a noticeable difference between the 2. The first category is likely to have a dominating body part and it is more true in guys..they will have big arms, big chest or big back and they keep repeating the workouts to develop those parts or at least they want to. This category will likely to injure themselves several times in their lifetime and will eventually stop working out. So what do you think is going on..its like you are racing a car the moment you sit in long do you think your engine is going to last!!! They do not have attarctive look atleast for me symmetry is way more important than having a big bicep.

Now lets talk about 2nd kind...They come to the gym and spend some time warming up doing some stretches and getting ready for the torture...and at a very early age I realized that this extra 5-10 min. spend in the beginning and at the end are well worth it and will take you places.

The way you warm up shows that how much you know about training. Being careful is first step towards being successful. Take your time in warming up stretching and let your body temperature rise up before you put it up for acceleration. Lower Back, Shoulders, Knees, Hamstrings they are very complicated joints so you have to take time to let the blood go in there and make them warmer before you start using them for workout.

Below is a sample warm up routine that I follow...

1. Treadmill - 8-10 min.
2. Shoulder Stretches (Rotator cuff)
3. Lower Back and Hamstring Streches
Then I follow whatever I am doing (for e.x. chest,back etc) with a very light and weight and do lot of reps to make sure my primary muscles are ready for training.

For those at home> warm up like this...

10 jump rope (you can do it without the rope)
5 push ups
10 squats
10 lunges

Repeat for 3 times and I bet you will be sweating....

The above explained group are different in their body looks. If you look at the later group (the one who warms up and do stretches) they are more athletic and lean looking than the our first group(who doesn't believe in starching).

So next time make a habit of stretching some before lifting and you will feel much better after the workout. BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY!!



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kiran sawhney said...

such a simpe thing as warm up, very well explained. You go to the root, without being too technical and heavy. Good you started putting picture. Nice.

Achal "FIT GURU" said...

I know but some people just miss that simple point as warmup...

Will post a better pic next time...

Anonymous said...

I love this blog. this helps me alot thanks for the at home tips too since i cant always make it to the gym.

Achal "FIT GURU" said...

@mac addict > Thank you for your comment. I try to make things really simple because I know when I started learning about basic things in fitness it was really hard for me to get good and simple to understand info.